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Cracóvia é uma cidade encantadora na Polônia, conhecida por sua rica história e arquitetura deslumbrante. Com uma mistura de influências históricas e culturais, Cracóvia oferece uma variedade de atrações turísticas imperdíveis. Aqui estão as cinco principais atrações que você não pode perder ao visitar Cracóvia: A primeira parada é o Castelo Real de Wawel, um impressionante complexo de castelos e catedrais que datam do século XIV. Em seguida, dirija-se ao Bairro Judeu de Kazimierz, conhecido por sua atmosfera boêmia e história judaica vibrante. Para os amantes da arte, a Galeria Nacional de Arte em Cracóvia apresenta uma coleção única de obras polonesas e europeias. Não deixe de visitar a Basílica de Santa Maria, uma esplêndida igreja gótica com um altar de madeira ricamente esculpido. Por último, mas não menos importante, faça um passeio pelo impressionante Museu de Auschwitz-Birkenau, um local de significado histórico que homenageia as vítimas do Holocausto. Estas são apenas algumas das muitas atrações incríveis que Cracóvia tem para oferecer, tornando-a um destino imperdível para os amantes da cultura, história e arquitetura.

Krakow Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle, the seat of kings and birthplace of legends, is arguably the most important symbol of Poland. It rises delicate and stately above the city at a bend in the Wisla river, flanked by grassy banks and wide boulevards, the cobbled paths of the medieval city at its feet. The graceful Wawel Cathedral, whose towers dominate the castle hill, reminds us that Poland's historical struggles for f...

Krakow Old Town and Main Square

The historic Old Town, or Stare Miasto, is Krakow's central district and in medieval times was surrounded by a three kilometer long fortified wall. In the 19th century most of the fortifications were demolished and the surrounding moat filled in to create a horseshoe shaped park known as the Planty, which surrounds the entire Old Town. Directly to the south of Krakow's Old Town is Wawel Hill, wher...

Krakow Jewish Neighborhood-Kazimierz

Originally Krakow’s Jewish Quarter, Kazimierz was for centuries where Catholics and Jews existed peacefully side-by-side, having a noticeably different architectural character than the main city. Jewish people first started arriving here in the 14th century, living in a separate are known as ‘Jewish Town’ up until the 19th century when Kazimierz was incorporated into the surround...

Oskar Schindler's Factory

Oskar Schindler, an ambitious German businessman and member of the Nazi party, took over an unused enamelware factory in Krakow in order to profit from the available Jewish forced labour. Becoming wealthy from this business, gradually his moral compass shifted until, by the end of the Second World War, he had squandered almost his entire fortune in ensuring the safety and survival of some 1200 Jew...

Wieliczka Salt Mine

BOOK THE TICKETS here Once upon a time, when kings sat on the throne at Wawel Castle, when the walled city of Krakow was a medieval centre of trade and when salt was as valuable as gold, a major source of wealth was discovered under the ground, not far from the royal capital. Today a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Wieliczka Salt Mine is the only mine in the world to run continuously since...

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